A Lamborghini factory collection – behind the scenes
The Lamborghini Urus was unveiled almost two years ago, and this month, one lucky Oracle customer (who would like to remain anonymous, so we’ll call him Mr X!) had the opportunity to collect his straight from the production line. We couldn’t resist finding out more about the whole experience.
As the excited new owner tells us, “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. Lamborghini is a huge company with a fantastic history, but they’ve still not forgotten that it’s all about the customer experience”.
We caught up with Mr X to get the low down on his trip to Italy.
Why the Lamborghini Urus?
“I first saw the Urus at an anniversary celebration at the factory in Italy and I wish I’d ordered one then.”
As Lamborghini’s first step into the SUV hemisphere, the Urus is “difficult to overstate” according to Bloomberg. It’s the world’s first ‘Super Sport Utility Vehicle’ and has a top speed of 190mph with seven drive modes. The Urus is truly unique, not only to the brand, but the automaking industry. Lamborghini introduces the vehicle as “an authentic Lamborghini with its unmistakable DNA”. But Mr X chose the Urus not just for the top speed and the drive modes. “They hold resale value really well; they’ve got unbelievable performance and are the perfect car for running during the winter”.
Collecting the Lamborghini Urus
If you’re one of the lucky ones approved for a Lamborghini factory collection, you’re set for a trip to the small Italian town of Sant’ Agata Bolognese. According to Digital Trends, “every Lamborghini ever made was built by hand at this factory”.
Before the grand unveiling of your new car, you’re met with several senior individuals for a tour of the factory. “There were four different members of Lamborghini in the delivery suite. One was the Global Head of After-Sales who had just stepped off a plane from China that morning”. Over a glass of champagne and some locally sourced food, you’re then taken through a personalised presentation of your new car.
Mr X recalls a special moment where the delivery suite screens rolled up ‘Bond movie style’ to reveal the factory, where workers were busy on that morning’s production.
“The whole thing makes you feel like you’re a part of the family.”
During the collection, you get the impression that family means a lot to the brand. Lamborghini even play an active role in the economy of Sant’ Agata Bolognese. “They have a relationship with the local secondary school. This means a lot of the students don’t go onto university or further education as they have the opportunity to gain an apprenticeship through the factory, after starting it during their time at school. It means that a large proportion of staff there are local”.
“The way they manage to still maintain that unbelievable passion that comes with Lamborghini is great,” he says, as he comments on the automaker’s drive to make the customer feel special, despite their success. But being based in Italy, it’s not surprising that you feel the passion radiate when you visit the factory. “The people at Lamborghini don’t fake enthusiasm. They are so proud of what they do, and you can feel that! They continue to wear their branded work uniforms even in their free time when out and about as it’s seen as such a badge of honour in the local community”.
Did the Lamborghini Urus exceed expectations?
The car provides exactly was promised and more. “It feels like a Lamborghini, but it’s got all the comfort of something like a Range Rover”, could you get any better than that?
“In years to come, you may not remember what the car feels like, but you will always remember the experience.”
Have you ever collected a new car direct from the factory? We’d love to hear your experiences.