Prestige Car Finance

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Flexible Deposits

allowing you to free up personal or business cash

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Different Finance Options

offering flexible terms, deposits and balloon payments

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refinance your current collection of cars to free up cash or reduce payments

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Set Monthly Payments

making budgeting simple

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no mileage restrictions

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you own the car at the end of the agreement

Prestige Car Finance

Oracle Finance - The UK’s No. 1 Funder For Prestige, Sports & Classic Cars

Have you have always dreamt about owning that special car but never thought it would be possible, if so, Oracle can help.

With over 15 years experience in financing prestige cars, our extensive panel of specialist lenders can provide finance products tailored for specific vehicles and their owner’s needs, offering greater choice and flexibility. We have helped thousands of customers purchase their perfect car, let us help you make your prestige car dream a reality.

  • Specialists in funding prestige cars
  • Flexible and tailored packages
  • Highly competitive rates
  • Large panel of lenders
  • A choice of funding solutions, including PCP and Hire Purchase, as well as refinancing and releasing equity
  • Over 18 years’ experience
  • Get your free quote today
Current representative APR

9.9% APR

Oracle Finance is a Credit Broker and not a Lender.

This means that we deal with a wide range of financial institutions to give our customers a greater choice of competitively priced options. For your protection, Oracle Finance is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the sale of consumer credit. Oracle Finance is a trading name of Oracle Asset Finance Limited.


Prestige Car Finance